Friday, 31 December 2010

Last Photo of 2010...

Friday 31st December 2010

New Year's Eve today. Family didn't do very much. Spent the evening watching Die Hard 4, eating sweets, ice cream, choccy, along with drinking a leeetle bit of alcomohol and saw the New Year in by watching the London fireworks on the tv. Quiet, but nice.

Quote of the Day
Matt Farrell: "You just killed a helicopter with a car!"
John McClane: "I was out of bullets."
- Live Free or Die Hard (aka Die Hard 4, 2007)


Thursday 30th December 2010

Popped into town today to get some supermarket shopping done. On the way home we had some chocolate from my mum's handbag, only it had melted funny. Hence today's photo.

Quote of the Day
"It's not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man."
- Miranda Ingram

Aunties and Cousins

Wednesday 29th December 2010

Went to visit my Aunt and older cousins today. Had a very lovely meal (roast chicken for me while everyone else had lamb), lots of wine and port(!) and much hilarity. There was my Aunt and her two daughters, the eldest daughters boyfriend, my parents, my sister, my Granny and me. My Aunt knocked my Dad's glass of wine over and it flew across the table all over my cousins boyfriend. It was very funny.

The cat sat on my lap for a while, ignoring the Rottweiler-Doberman cross they have as a dog (she may be big but she's the soppiest thing in the world) and the other cat (the fat bitey one) just tried to eat our dinner!

Our cousins also bought us a mug which came with hot chocolate and mini hot-water-bottle. Very cute.

Quote of the Day
- cousins boyfriend, because normally when he goes around my Aunts that's what they have for dinner!

Old Friends, New Memories

Tuesday 28th December 2010

I made the long, but lovely, trip to see some old school friends today. The train station I was going to was shut due to repair works so I had to get a train and then a bus. Instead of the 40mins/one hour journey it should have been, it took me an hour and fourty mins to get there instead but ah well!

Three of the girls were an hour late due to traffic, so my sister, the one friend that had got there on time, and me sat and did some catching up until they arrived. When everyone turned up we had coffee and lunch and a general natter before braving some of the post-Christmas sale shops. Very very busy. I got a lipstick. Red red red!

Hung around until late evening and then the sister and I caught the bus/train home. All in all a lovely day.

Quote of the Day
This is an odd one. I don't know who it's by but a friend posted it on Facebook a year or so ago when we lost a lot of people we'd once considered friends. It's since become one of my favourite quotes. And is very very true.

"There comes a point in your life, when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. So don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future."

Christmas Fireplace

Monday 27th December 2010

Today's photo shows the fireplace in my parent's house. Looking all dressed up for Christmas!

Went into the local town today just to the supermarket (thrilling!) and watched Rhod Gilbert's "The Cat That Looked Like Nicholas Lyndhurst" show in the evening.

Here's to lazy holiday-days!

Quote of the Day
The blurb about Rhod Gilbert's show:

"Last year, Rhod punched a shop-assistant over the duvet tog-rating system and went berserk over a mince pie. This year he's given his show a ridiculous title just to annoy someone in Canterbury. Is he a visionary in a sea of closed minds, or has he got anger-management problems?"

Boxing Day

[Present pictures! - when I get them off my parent's camera]

Sunday 26th December 2010

Boxing Day 2010.

Said goodbye to Granny this morning after breakfast and drove home to find the last of our Christmas presents waiting for us under the tree. I got some lovely red weighing scales, a Rhod Gilbert dvd, Take That's new cd (Progress) from my sister, money for clothes... lots of new stuff! I was once again spoilt.

Gave Mum and Dad the rest of their presents - Dad got a Barbour bag from my mum, sister and me and he didn't get angry about it! Mum got a blackboard for the kitchen. I got my sister a furry Chewbacca that makes noises when you squeeze it.

Watched tv in the evening, ate food and generally chilled out.

Christmas Day

[Photo to follow soon - I left my Christmas pictures at home]

Saturday 25th December 2010

Christmas Day today! It was a really lovely day. Quiet, just my mum and dad, my sister, my mum's mother and me. We opened some presents - I got new boots, underwear, (500) Days of Summer dvd, money from Granny and Uncle, all of Sergei Lukyanenko's Night Watch trilogy (that is actually four books... go figure!) and lots of other lovely stuff!

We'd left a few presents back at home as we couldn't bring everything to Granny's. I got my sister some silicon cupcake cases and a strap so she can wear her iPod around her arm when she's at the gym. My sister and I got Granny a gluten-free baking book and a £10 book voucher.

Christmas dinner was lovely and, typically, very very filling. We also kicked off the drinking early with Bucks Fizz (champagne and orange juice) at around 11am. Chilled out in the afternoon and watched the traditional tv: Queen's Speech at 3pm and then the Dr. Who Christmas Special which is always good. There's also Strictly Come Dancing and other fun treats.

A really nice Christmas.

Quote of the Day
Has to be some Dr. Who/Matt Smith quotes from the Christmas special:

"Ah! Yes! Blimey, sorry! Christmas Eve on a rooftop, I saw a chimney... my whole brain just went "What the hell"!"

"Father Christmas, Santa Claus, or, as I've always known him, Jeff."

"Ah! Big, flashy, lighty thing, that's what brought me here. Big, flashy, lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time. And a crayon."
- The Doctor (2010)

Christmas Eve

Friday 24th December 2010

Christmas Eve today. I spent it doing some (very) last minute present shopping for Dad, Sister and Granny and the rest of it just chilling out not doing that much. Pixar's "Cars" was on tv so watched that with the family and that was all!

Also... new pyjamas. As the photo shows.

Quote of Day
Well it can only be one poem. Not the whole thing though; it's surprisingly long. But just my favourite bit :-)

"The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too!"

- Clement Clarke Moore (1822)

Eve of the Eve

Thursday 23rd December 2010

Successfully did nothing today. The eve of Christmas Eve and I'd meant to go and buy my sister a[nother] present but we didn't end up going anywhere. Dad picked up Mum from work and after dinner we drove to my Gran's where we were staying for Christmas.

We did, however watch the new episode of Top Gear where they went to New York. Via North Carolina, Virginia etc and got into lots of mischief. *Happiness*

Today's photo is of my village, still snowbound.

Quote of the Day
"And now I'm indicating with my wipers. That's not good."
- Richard Hammond (Top Gear)

Oxford City

Wednesday 22nd December 2010

Went into Oxford today to have a look around the shops with my Dad and sister while waiting for Mum to finish work. We had coffee and bought some last-minute gifts for Dad (cds) while braving the snow and ice. It was really quite cold.

I really like Oxford as a city. It's not that big, but very old. The colleges that make up Oxford University are gorgeous. Today's photo is of one of the colleges in the snow with a Christmas tree in front of it. It's not too clear, as there's a wall in the way, but it is stunning.

The evening was once again spent quietly at home. Not doing anything much but sometimes it's nice to slow down a little.

Quote of the Day
"I wonder anybody does anything at Oxford but dream and remember, the place is so beautiful. One almost expects the people to sing instead of speaking. It is all like an opera."
- William Butler Yeats

Red Door in the Snow

Tuesday 21st December 2010

Went shopping today with my sister and dad for last-minute Christmas presents for my mum in the local town. We got her a mortar and pestle and a blackboard to hang up in the kitchen. It's still very VERY snowy today, even though it hasn't snowed since Saturday. As today's photo of the front door of my family home shows.

Again just spent the evening chilling out at home. Watched Michael McIntyre's Live at Wembly show which was naturally hilariously funny!

Quote of the Day
"Normally you have news, weather and travel... But not on snow days. On snow days news is weather is travel!"
- Michael McIntyre

Leaving on a [jet] Train

Monday 20th December 2010

Busy day today. Had to get up early for my friend and I to catch the bus to the hospital. I had an appointment there with a dentist to discuss having my wisdom teeth removed. Luckily I was in and out fairly quickly. The result - yes, my teeth are coming out. And they're knocking me out to do it. Full general anaesthetic. Woo. I think.

Once I got home it was to pack up rather quickly and then drag my suitcase through the snow up to the bus stop. Luckily my housemate was coming to the train station with me as he had to get a train also (as well as my other friend!) so he dragged it for me. I ran in to see my boss to hand in this month's pay slips before the three of us caught the bus to the train station. There was a stop for doughnuts for my housemate's sister and then goodbyes on the platform. The photo shows the two boys looking *lovely*.

My train journey was pretty uneventful. Arrived in Oxford and my parent's couldn't get to the station because of the traffic in the snow, so my mum helped me drag (literally - none of the paths were clear and instead covered in almost a foot of snow so the wheels were pretty useless) my suitcase up to the car and drive home.

Had a nice quiet evening just chilling out at home.

Quote of the Day
"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train."
- Oscar Wilde

Sick Day Two

Sunday 19th December 2010

Today I was still ill, though not nearly as bad as yesterday. Mind you, I took my temperature last night and it was 38.5 degrees! Not good. Especially as today it was down to 36.5. I woke up at 11:30am and pottered about the house a little before my housemate woke up (I may have helped a little by scratching at his door for milk, only to realise there was no tea!).

Today's photo is me attempting to look human in my housemate's hoodie. I failed.

Housemate attempted to get me playing video games on his X-Box but I'm not very good. After I messed up at Halo - funny for him, confusing for me! - we watched comedy on the BBC iPlayer all afternoon (Live at the Apollo; Never Mind the Buzzcocks; Dara O'Briain Live; QI... all my favourite shows!). In the evening my friend came over so we could all watch Pixar's Cars. Very funny.

Had an early-ish night as have stuff to do in the morning. Like the dentist. Ick!

Quote of the Day
Fillmore: "I'm tellin' you, man, every third blink is slower."
Sarge: "The '60s weren't good to you, were they?"
- Cars (2006)

Sick Day (with snow!)

Saturday 18th December 2010

So there was snow today. As can be seen from the bad picture taken from my bedroom window. I actually spent the whole day in bed. I had a high temperature, and kept going from shivering and cold to feeling like my skin was burning up. Not fun. I didn't become fully conscious until gone 1pm (but my housemate didn't surface until 3pm and he wasn't sick!).

In the evening I just watched The Pick Up Artist tv series while my housemate went out to watch Tron at the cinema. He bought my some soup so I had something to eat - as well as some chocolate, which made me happy. When he retured we watched some more of The Pick Up Artist. Having just finished Neil Strauss’ The Game it was quite fascinating. Then I crashed out.

Quote of the Day

“I'm not worried about it because guys will always need to find a way to meet women. Attraction is always the same. You can't help it. You can't disarm that.” – Neil Strauss

Gifts and Sneezes

Friday 17th December 2010

Today's photo is naughty because it was officially taken last night BUT in my defence, I have been (a) super busy today and (b) sick so it counts. Especially as it sums up what I did with my housemates today - open presents!

I opened a couple from one housemate before lectures this morning - and got a slanket (blanket with sleeves) and a toy cat that moves and meows (well, squeaks). I got him a mug that says "I Facebooked your Mum".

I wasn't feeling hungover from last night, but my nose began to run something awful and it all started to go downhill from there. I made it through my first lectures which were part of my job, then had lunch with a friend before heading up to my campus to begin another four-hour Core Computing lecture. By this point I was feeling really rough and it turned out that the *lecture* wasn’t going to be taught at all and was just for us to work on our projects. I hadn’t brought any of my data with me and after two hours I gave in and begged to be allowed to go as there was no point me being there.

I dragged myself home and found my other housemate waiting. Opened more presents – a bottle of TruBlood (not real blood!), a……, and finally the biggest box of all which contained a teeny tiny framed picture of the two boys. Oh dear! I got him a blow up sheep. Because he’s Welsh and I’ve been threatening to get him one for years!

At that point I then snuggled up on the sofa and some friends came over so we could watch tv and chill out. Once they had gone I went straight to bed. Ugh, illness sucks!

Quote of the Day

… a real, grown-up, multi-user dungeon.” – my lecturer. He meant database! Oops.

Christmas Closing Ceremony

Thursday 16th December 2010

Today has two photos. The above one I didn't actually take myself but I love it as it really sums up today. This evening was the Christmas Closing Ceremony for my martial art. It involved a fun session of self-defence, general beasting and then a traditional sake drinking ceremony at the end, before we all went to the pub to continue the merriment. It was a lovely, if alcoholic, evening.

Earlier in the day I'd gone to my 10am lecture only to find the student hadn't turned up. Again. I was a little grumpy when I got home but my housemate cooked up a fry-up for me and my other housemate and that worked a treat! Just what I needed before going to an extra two-hours of lectures for a different student. Sausages, bacon, eggs, beans.... The below photo is the result of the fry-up:

It was so good!

Quote of the Day
"If I was a lesbian I would totally sleep with you."
- my friend as she hugged me and grabbed my arse at the same time. We've agreed that if she's not married by the time she's 35 (and I'm single also) we're going to elope and get married on a beach on an island somewhere. We were quite tipsy!

Christmas Meal Take Three!!!

Wednesday 15th December

Yes, you read the title right, Christmas Meal Take Three. This evening's one was a much smaller affair around my friend's house with just a few of us there. My friend and I cooked (well, I helped, mostly just chopping veggies). There were sprouts! Which I actually like so I was happy. I made everyone else eat one.

This tradition started two years ago because one of ours friends had never had a Christmas meal (he's from Egypt) so we do one specially. It's really lovely. Lots of food, and a Christmas pudding we couldn't light!

The rest of my day had been spent in a four-hour Core Computing lecture (ugh!) which I was almost late for because my housemate had hidden the shoes I wanted to wear and I couldn't find them anywhere. I even checked the microwave, the fridge and the washing machine but no luck. Grrrrr. In the end had to grab a pair that I didn't want to wear and run out the house. Made it on time though.

Quote of the Day
Taken from my Facebook status:
Charley: "... is going to kill whichever clever housemate thought it would be amusing to hide her shoes last night without telling her so she couldn't find them this morning when trying to leave the house in a rush. Grrrrr."
Jan: "Skin the housemates to make new shoes."

I liked his idea.

Christmas Meal Take Two

Tuesday 14th December 2010

Today's photo is of two of my coursemates at the Archaeological Computing Christmas Meal. There was only four of us Masters students there - the rest were phd's and lecturers! The food was nice but the pub was very slow - we arrived at 2pm and dessert wasn't served until almost 5pm! Despite that is was a lovely meal and the mulled cider went down especially well.

I couldn't drink too much however as I had yoga at 6pm! Which was wonderful. My body really needed a stretch out! Feeling happy and healthy I went home to chill out with housemates.

No quote for today. There were some funny ones from the meal but I couldn't remember them :-(

GSP vs. Koscheck

Sunday 12th December 2010

After training this morning, and the obligatory pub lunch (yum!) my housemates, me and some friends all went back to ours to watch the latest UFC. Tonight's (or rather last night's) big event was George St. Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck.

It was generally acknowledged by all present that Koscheck is a dick (at least, that's how he's presented himself during the last series of the Ultimate Fighter), so we were very very happy to see St. Pierre thrash him quite convincingly. They lasted all five rounds, but Koscheck couldn't see out of his right eye by the end of the first, so admittedly he did pretty well to survive to the end.


Today's photo shows the living room at the end of the UFC, after we naturally had a go ourselves. This is what normally happens when us martial arts lot get together and watch fights. Ah well.

Quote of the Day
"If he has the same mentality as me, Josh Koscheck, he'll have to reconsider his career. If he wants to be the best, after he loses two times to me, it's going to take a long time again before he goes for the title. Maybe, never again. He'll have to climb up the ladder a long time. I'm going to beat him on Saturday night and that will be the end of it. I'm not going to talk about him for a long long time and I'm going to feel very happy."
- George St. Pierre pre-UFC 124

ER Diagrams

Saturday 11th December 2010

Today's photo shows the product of four hours work for my friend and I. We were working on our database assignment and it took us that long to get a working Entity Relationship Diagram up and running. I even had to bug one of my friends on Facebook (who did the course the year before) for some help. As today's quote shows, he may have got a little irritated with our inane questions!

In the evening some other friends came over and we had food and watched tv. Just a nice quiet time.

Quote of the Day
"Just make a big fucking list of every place mentioned at all and number them with ID's"
- my friend getting irritated of Facebook chat with our silly questions.

Christmas Meal

Friday 10th December 2010

This evening was my martial art club's Christmas meal. A good excuse to get dolled up, have some decent food (three courses with all the trimmings. Yum!) and then go out dancing. The meal was nice, the boys found a pink frog in their Christmas cracker so turned it into a drinking game, I tried arm wrestling my instructor (major fail, no surprise!) and we enjoyed the dancing. All in all, a good evening. With no major drunkeness - at least while I was present. Today's photo shows us girls all looking pretty in dresses (me in my new slinky one!).

Earlier that day we had our Research Skills and Core Computing lectures. I had a slight issue with Microsoft Access and not even the lecturer could figure out what I'd done to break it quite so badly, so I worked with my friend and then ran off as soon as the lecture had finished to try and make sure I was home on time to get ready for the evening.

Quote of the Day
"Charley typed "Google" into an MS Access Form and broke Access. REALLY majorly broke it. Oops." - today's Facebook status

Custard, Richard, custard!

Thursday 9th December 2010

Today's photo shows this evening's training with my martial art. I wasn't feeling 100% again and with it being our Christmas meal tomorrow night I decided not to train because it normally makes me worse. Also, I didn't like the room, as it was the venue of my first ever training session under our ex-instructor.

Instead I watched and did admin. The newbies dogis (white pyjamas) arrived so was nice to see them all kitted out.

Quote of the Day
Today's quote comes from a passenger letter written to Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic. It's pretty funny (the title of today's blog is also from it) and if you want, the whole thing can be read here:

This is an extract:
"I imagine the same questions are racing through your brilliant mind as were racing through mine on that fateful day. What is this? Why have I been given it? What have I done to deserve this? And, which one is the starter, which one is the dessert?"

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Wrapping Time

Wednesday 8th December 2010

After attending lectures as usual I escaped home to do some pressie wrapping for all the Christmas stuff I've been hoarding in my room. The result: a mess, but the presents are done!

Aaaaand that was literally all I did today. Very unexciting!

Quote of the Day
"Charley's bedroom is covered in wrapping paper, sellotape and packaging. Who knew wrapping gifts could be so messy?!!!" - my Facebook status

Red and Yellow

Tuesday 7th December 2010

Today's photo shows my very yummy dinner - the remains of last night's curry. Korma and Tikka. Mmmmm. It looked very cool with the brightness of the reds and yellows - before I mushed it all together.

The rest of today was kind of quiet. Just went to work (although my 5pm cancelled again!) and considered yoga but am still feeling a little sniffly so didn't bother.

Quote of the Day
After trying to find some quotes to do with curry, I could only find the following from Bridget Jones' Diary. But it still made me smile:
"I realise that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet, I was unforgivably rude, and wearing a reindeer jumper." - Mark Darcy

Officially Staff

Monday 6th December 2010

Today's photo shows me with my university staff ID card. I'm not looking brilliant (either here or on the card photo!) but it makes me smile because now I have a staff and a student ID card. Woop! The power.

Or not.

Went training this evening and then my friend came over and we ordered curry because neither of us could be bothered to cook. Topped of the evening with an episode of Spartacus: Blood and Sand which always goes down well.

Quote of the Day
"Is there no purpose, beyond the blood? No dream beyond the cheering crowd? Is there nothing else you fight for?" - Spartacus (Spartacus: Blood and Sand, 2010)

Misty Moisty Afternoon

Sunday 5th December 2010

It was very misty today. This photo was taken walking back home through the university after a pub lunch with martial artsy folks. Went back to mine to watch the final of the Ultimate Fighter. A nice quiet sort of day.

Quote of the Day
"Johnny you're a cream puff!" - audience member shouting at the fighters during the final of the Ultimate Fighter

Stitch's Underwear

Saturday 4th December 2010

My parent's came down today to do some Christmas shopping and I bought some new underwear. Also watched "Lilo and Stitch" this evening - housemate hadn't seen it so my sister and I made him. Very funny. I then had an urge to draw Stitch - specifically one of the photos of him from the end credits with the turtle. So I did a rough sketch this evening just because I could!

Quote of the Day
Dance Instructor: "Stop, stop. Lilo, why are you all wet?"
Lilo: "It's sandwich day. Every Thursday I bring Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich."
Dance Instructor: "Pudge is a fish..?"
Lilo: "But today we were out of peanut butter. I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich! I can't give Pudge tuna. Do you know what tuna is?"
Dance Instructor: "Umm... fish?"
Lilo: "It's FISH! If I gave Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination. I'm late because I had to go to the store to get some peanut butter 'cause all we have is-is stinking TUNA!"
Dance Instructor: "Lilo. Why is this so important?"
Lilo: "Pudge controls the weather."
- Lilo & Stitch (2002)

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Snow Day Take 2

Friday 3rd December 2010

University was still shut today so a group of us went for a walk over the golf course. It was amazing. Snow as far as the eye could see, fairly deep with hardly any other people and no buildings... was like being somewhere in the European countryside. Just stunning. Had a lot of fun. Snowball fights, rolling/sliding down hills, generally mucking around.

Today's photo is me and my friend. I'd rubbed snow into his hair because it looked funny white.

Went back to my other friend's house and we had more tea-and-Bailey's, ordered Domino's pizza and watched 'Home Alone'. Wandered home in the cold and I cleaned the house for the parents arriving for a visit tomorrow. Also watched 'Live at the Apollo' with Lee Mack and Danny Bhoy.

Good day.

Quote of the Day:
Harry: "Why the hell did you take your shoes off?"
Marv: "Why the hell are you dressed like a chicken?" - Home Alone (1990)

"If you see an angry bear, pretend to be dead... Are you sure? I won't be pretending for long. It's a bear that's already angry. The last thing I should be doing is playing a practical joke on it!" - Danny Bhoy

Snow, snow, snow, SNOW

Thursday 2nd December 2010

Well we woke up this morning to find at least four inches of snow had fallen overnight. University lectures were cancelled and then the university closed completely. My sister couldn't get to placement so we went over the Common with my housemates and had a snowball fight. In fact, my whole street turned into a sort of tribal war/snowball fight. Very funny. Today's photo is my sister jumping out from behind a bush to throw a snowball at my housemate.

I went up to my friend's house in the afternoon and we played in the snow some more. Made a snowman! And some snow angels. Then invited other people over to watch some Christmas movies (Elf and Die Hard 2... yes, it's Christmassy!) and drank tea with hazelnut Bailey's. Yum yum!

Quote of the Day:
"Yippe-kay-ay, motherfucker" - John McClane (pretty much any Die Hard movie!)

Slinky Dress

Wednesday 1st December 2010

Today's photo show's me trying on a beautiful dress in Karen Millen while Christmas pressie shopping with my sister. I had no intention of buying it, honestly. But I needed a new one, my sister offered to loan me the money and it is just gorgeous.... so I did *shame*.

Had some success present shopping and did some more online once I got home. Sister stayed for dinner (made rice with lemon sauce and veggies) and was happy my other housemate was back.

Quote of the Day:
Taken from David Thorne's website 27b/6:

"I have access to your Facebook page due to the friend request you accepted from the Oscar Wilde profile I constructed yesterday. I assumed the name would hold no relevance to you and, constancy being the last refuge of the unimaginative, I typed 'Redneck wearing baseball cap' into Google images to locate a photo you would identify and feel comfortable with." -

First Snow

Tuesday 30th November 2010

Snow was forecast for today. This is what we got. It had disappeared by midday. I didn't make it to my 9am but did make it to all my other lectures today. It is so cold! I made sure I was wrapped up snuggly.

After dinner went over to my friends and we watched George Clooney in "The American". Bizarre film. Couldn't work out whether I liked it or not.

Quote of the Day:
Father Benedetto: "Of course... You're American. You think you can escape history. You live for the present."
Jack: "I try to, Father." - The American, 2010

Snotty and 'orrible

Monday 29th November 2010

Today was a write off. I spent it all pretty much in bed. Feeling absolutely rubbish. Phoned in sick to work and just read while in bed. Not much else to say really!

Quote of the Day:
Bill: "My Sookie hid a corpse?"
Eric: "I don't think you can be too sure about that possessive pronoun."
Bill: "Where did you learn that term, Northman?"
Eric: "I took 'English as a Second Language' at a community college in the Seventies." - Charlaine Harris, 'Club Dead'


Sunday 28th November 2010

Went training this morning even though I had a sore throat. Knew it would be a bad idea because it just kept getting worse all through the day so ended up feeling very ill this evening.

Went to the pub after training and sister came back to mine to chill out. She left just as my other friend showed up so we started watching season 4 of Chuck.

I decided I was ill because there's a draught coming in through my window and my bed is right next to it (so my head is right next to it). To remedy this I rearranged my bedroom. Fun fun. Still feeling rubbish though :-(

Quote of the Day:
Sarah: "Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?"
Casey: "No. I either leave or they die." - Chuck Season 4 (1)

Elbow Bruise

Saturday 27th November 2010

Today's photo show's the bruise I have on the inside of my right elbow from training last night. Owchies! But still happy about the session.

My sister came over today and we cooked dinner and watched the A-Team.

Quote of the Day:
"Give me a minute I'm good. Give me an hour, I'm great. Give me six months, I'm unbeatable." - Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith (A-Team 2010)

I have no idea what you're saying...

... so I drew a tortoise!

Friday 26th November 2010

Today's photo is taken from my research skills lecture. They sprung a GSCE-grade statistics test on us. I haven't done maths in about 5 years, and I never did statistics for GCSE so I couldn't answer a single question. Neither could anyone else mind you. The above is my answer to a question involving tortoises.

Yes, I just drew a tortoise.

In other news... I handed in my assignment for research skills and then went training this evening. It was absolutely fantastic! Self-defence session and basically just hit each other a lot. Really good fun! Went to the pub afterwards and then back to mine to try my friend's family-made damson wine. Very yummy. Tasted like port. Mind you, after a couple of glasses I was asleep! Ooops.

Quote of the Day:
"Throwing acid is wrong, in some people's eyes." - Jimmy Carr


Thursday 25th November 2010

Today's photo is rather boring. It's of the sky outside my window. It looked odd this evening.

I made it to my 10am - cycled there but the student didn't show. I stayed for an hour and a half and then left because technically I'm not meant to stay at all. My 3pm lecture wasn't too bad and then had a quiet evening in. Training wasn't on tonight as the martial arts room is being fixed after it was flooded. Went around my friend's for dinner and had a lovely catch up with another friend and her fiancee. They gave me a lift home and watched 'Chuck' - finished season 3 and wow! I was impressed.

Quote of the Day:
Big Mike: "What are you thinking?"
Jeff: "Pineapple" - Chuck, Season 3 (19)

Saturday, 27 November 2010


Wednesday 24th November 2010

Today's photo shows my heat-up bunny. Smells of lavender and is perfect for putting on a sore neck (as mine is messed up) *sad face*

Spent the day writing up my assignment for research skills, entitled: "The City's Story: How can augmented reality enhance people's understanding of the past life of Southampton". It's a practice doctoral funding application... so thankfully I didn't have to actually answer the question only put it forward as a research proposal. Only 500 words - and I hit it bang on target! Woop!

Quote of the Day:
"Augmented reality is already becoming an important part of new mobile technologies, allowing people to virtually interact with the real world around them. In order for archaeology to be relevant in the modern world, these technologies need to be utilised to provide a visual representation of the past." - excerpt from my essay

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza

Tuesday 23rd November 2010

Today's photo is of dinner - Domino's Pizza. They do a special deal of two for Tuesdays so housemates and friend nom-ed on pizza while watching Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

Didn't have to go to the NOC for 9am so had a nice lie-in and made it all my other lectures. Got end-of-month pay slips signed for most of them. Yay! Also made it to my first session of yoga this year. Was fabulous to stretch out again. I realised how much I'd missed it (and how unbendy I've become!). Will definitely be becoming a regular attendee!

Quote of the Day:
Doctore: "What is beneath your feet?"
Crixus: "Sacred ground, Doctore, watered with tears of blood." - Spartacus: Blood and Sand 2010

Monday, 22 November 2010

Squirrel's heart beat

Monday 22nd November 2010

After getting up and travelling down to the Oceanography Centre for my 9am I discovered there was a test and I wasn't required. Grrrr. Still, got home and had time to chill out before going to my other lectures. The photo for today was taken during this time - looking out of my bedroom window I spotted a lovely little squirrel. Watching me watching him :-D

Bought some veggies from the Farmer's Market on campus and went training in the evening - another really good session. Hoping this positive mindset will stay around!

Quote of the Day:
"If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of the roar which is the other side of silence." - George Eliot

Training Seminar

Sunday 21st November 2010

Busy day today. Up to the uni for 11:30am to drive to London. A group of us were off to a training seminar for my martial art and it was fantastic! We had the warm up and all of us were sort of thinking "was that it" as we were used to fairly tough ones at our club. But then kihon (basics) kicked in - excuse the pun - and we were dying by the end. All in all, a great session and very tired by the end! After all the politics of the previous year and a bit it was wonderful to have a training session where we could just train. Made me remember what training should be about, without all the rubbish that has come with it lately.

On the way up me and my friend played 'yellow car' (spot a yellow car, call it, hit the other person). Only my friend driving said there was to be no violence in his car so we just added it up. Final score: my friend 4 - me 17!!!!! Hee hee.

Got home and watched the latest UFC. Really good showing this time. Some great fights. :-)

Today's photo shows my martial arts gi, my embroidered black belt and a tub of stuff to repair my poor broken muscles!!!

Quote of the Day:
"My trainers are in there and told me I won the fight. But when I was in the fight, I just had a one-track mind to know him out. In the third round, he came at me so much, I forget what happened in the first two rounds... It's one of those things where at the time I thought I was getting my ass whooped because I was just on the ground taking a flurry to my face." - Rampage Jackson, after winning his fight against Lyoto Machida

Beware the Jabberwocky

Saturday 20th November 2010

Today's photo is my sister, cooking. We made fajitas for dinner and she was cold, so had a blanket tied around her. We watched 'Alice in Wonderland' and generally chilled out. Nice evening.

Earlier in the day I'd done some scribing for a physics scholarship exam and had a good meeting with my friend that I'd argued with. It's nice to know that however long you've known someone they can still surprise you. The argument was stupid - emails are such a bad way to communicate. But things are ok now.

Quote of the Day:
Today's quote is the wonderful 'Jabberwocky' poem by Lewis Carroll:

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves
and the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade when snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves
and the mome raths outgrabe.

Travel Photos

Thursday 18th November 2010

Today's photo shows a selection of some of my 'arty' photographs from my travels, that I'd had printed off and put up today.

Clockwise from top left - Mt. Tongariro and Mt. Ngauruhoe (aka. Mt. Doom from 'Lord of the Rings'), New Zealand; sunset in Rarotonga, Cook Islands; Blue Lake on one of the craters of Mt. Tongariro; puppy watching the sunset in Rarotonga; and centre, two rainbow lorrakeets taken in Queensland, Australia.

I didn't go training this evening as they were doing it outside over the Common and I had issues with that. Instead, stayed in and didn't do very much at all.

Quote of the Day:
Today I thought I'd put in some (in my opinion at least) beautiful quotes from the Cook Islands:

Kare te au peu e ko tei toia'ua ki muri, mari ra ko te rave'ia nei
'I teia 'ati'anga, e te ka rave 'ia i te au tuatau ki mua.
Ko te peu tupuna, ko ta tatou i mua ana, 'i teianei, e te au tu,
Ta tatou e umuumu nei.

Culture is not just the past. It is the present and the future.
It is what we once were. But it is also what we hope to be

E pakiri maroki'aki'a to te 'akari, e vai 'ura to-na puku'atu

The coconut has its hard skin but a watery heart
[You can have fear in your heart but bravery in your actions]

E pukari 'oki toku mei pokerekere mai.
E ngutapa katoa 'oki au no te 'oroega 'anga muna, I te ru-ru aere 'anga i taiku au 'ua ki runga i te one 'uri'uri,
Kia kore roa e taui ia toku to mei tei tepapa ia.
Ka makitoa tutu rai au kimua ma te kore toa e temanamanata 'anga.
No te mea, ko te tumu 'enua nei, ko te papa tei reira i raro ake 'iaku.

I have matured from the ancient past
I am also the door for those who create secrets.
To sow my seeds on the red soils, so that my character
Is never changed from its origin, so it will not be interfered with
Because the base of the land, is the foundation underneath me.

Plays and Family History

Wednesday 17th November 2010

Today wasn't brilliant. Got into an argument with one of my friends (long story, am not rehashing it here), didn't make it to my lecture because I didn't get up until 12pm but then went around another friend's house because I've been given a part in a production of "Dangerous Liaisons" that we're performing next... April(?!!). I'm going to be Rosemonde, the principle character's aunt. A few line but I do get to wear a pretty dress.

I've also been trying to research some of my family history but it is proving.... difficult. Mainly because a lot of my mum's family is from Scotland/Northern Ireland so the records aren't online for those areas. Secondly, on my dad's side, I've been unable to find his mother's birth records. He's convinced she was born in 1932. The only two women born in the whole country that have her name were either born in 1925 or 1928. This is a puzzle!!! Ah well. Also, he didn't know his father so again what I can track down is severely limited.

Anyway, today's photo shows these two main things - the script for the play and a record of my great-great-uncle who was killed during World War II. He was a Second Lieutenant.

Quote of the Day:
"Do you still think men love the way we do? No. Men enjoy the happiness they feel; we can only enjoy the happiness we give. They're not capable of devoting themselves exclusively to one person. So to hope to be made happy by love is a certain cause of grief." - Rosemonde (Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Christopher Hampton)

Misty Morning

Tuesday 16th November 2010

Today's photo shows the view from my bedroom window when I woke up this morning. Fog fog and more fog. Or maybe it's mist. I'm never sure of the difference.

Work today was dull - most of my students didn't actually turn up so I successfully spent the rest of my day doing nothing. Nada.

Friend came around in the evening and we ordered pizza (because we could!) and watched more Generation Kill. Well, rewatched Generation Kill as one of the housemates and the friend hadn't seen it. Fun times.

Quote of the Day:
"Yeah, looks like Saddam's big bad Republican Guard hajjis got wind I was coming. As the great warrior-poet Ice Cube once said, 'If the day does not require an AK, it is good'." - Cpl. Josh Ray Person (Generation Kill, 2008)

Just another manic Monday

Monday 15th November 2010

Today's photo shows how I feel today. Ugh-y. Went to my work's 9am (which involves a 40minute bus ride) only for everyone to be late due to traffic and then only to have a 10minute lecture. Gah! Still, no lecture down there tomorrow which is a good thing.

Also reading a good book - Robert Twigger's Angry White Pyjamas. It's about aikido in Japan through the eyes of a gaijin. Thoroughly recommend it.

Made it to the rest of my lecture and training but was definitely in need of Lemsip (bought on the way home from training, also with a stop for Chinese!). Yum yum.

Quote of the Day:
Batiatus: "Well then, how do you know she still lives?"
Spartacus: "How do you know the heart beats beneath your chest?"
Batiatus: "Most days I don't. I'm just a simple Roman trying to make his way against the whim of the Gods, the politicians, the miscreants. So often you can't tell one from the other, but you... You are the most dangerous of animals: beast born of the heart."
- Spartacus: Blood and Sand (2010)

Go go Vettel!

Sunday 14th November 2010

Today's photo shows the wonderful bruise on my foot. Caused by jumping up and down in my housemate's room and landing on the edge of his bed *sad face* It hurts.

But did manage to train on it this morning. One of senior Sensei down here on the South Coast took the session and we did seiho (remedial massage). Which was lovely. But for some reason appears to have the opposite effect on my neck. It is now super painful! Youch.

People came over the evening for UFC followed by the last F1 race of season. I'm a Button girl myself but considering there was no chance for him to win the championship I was supporting anyone but Alonso. I don't know why, but there's something about that Spaniard that just gets on my nerves. As it was, Vettel won and I was sooooo happy! Bless him, he was so shocked! It made me happy.

Quote of the Day:
Two quotes from Sebastian Vettel after he won the Driver's Title in the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix:

"I had a good race today. Most of the time it was just a case of keeping my head down, though I did look at the screens from time to time. I think the car was phenomenal. Red Bull gave me wings. Again."

"We have to enjoy this moment because it is our moment. The race staserted in daylight and I think in a way it will also finish in daylight... if you know what I mean."


Saturday 13th November 2010

Today's photo is quite dull. I spent most of the day chilling out, laughing at everyone's Facebook status' about how ill they feel this morning after last night, and tidying my room.

The photo is of the lid of my sewing box that I've had since secondary school. I used to keep bits of dyed white-tack in the lid. I got rid of them all today but thought it would be nice to keep a photo as a memory of it.

We also finished watching Generation Kill. Am very very impressed with the series!

Quote of the Day:
"Once more into the great good night. Cry 'havoc' and let slip the dogs of war." - Shakespeare, via Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert, Generation Kill Part 6 (2008)

Heros vs. Villains 2010

Friday 12th November 2010

Today was my martial art clubs annual Superhero's vs. Villains Social. I went dressed as Hit Girl from Kick-Ass. Costume turned out very well, although it was super hot! We had a great turn out as the photo shows, with lots of fun and mayhem en route from the starting pub to the finishing club! Didn't leave until the early hours of the morning (once I finally got a couple of members who it was my responsibility to get home off the dance floor!).

Fun times. I also managed to hand in my first assignment! Joys.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

At the going down of the sun...

... and in the morning, we shall remember them.

Thursday 11th November 2010
Yes, the layout is a little different today. I wanted to mark Armistice Day . It has been 92 years since the end of World War I and that's why we remember this date. But it's not just about the soldiers that were killed the the 'Great' Wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 but all those that have been killed in conflicts since, most recently in Afghanistan and Iraq. And not just remembering those who have died, but also those that are still our there fighting. And whether we agree with these wars or not, it does not change that fact that these hundreds of young men are doing their jobs, far from home, in conditions that we should never have to face. Today is a day to honour them.

So in that vein I'll do my 'Quote of the Day' first, with one of my favourite poems:

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and forever weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn’s rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and forever cry.
I am not there. I did not die.

Today's photo is not connected to Armistice Day however. It is showing two things that happened to me today that I want to remember. Firstly - I finished my XML Project and have printed it off, looking good. It will be the first essay I have handed in in over a year! The second thing that happened was I received a very special package today from HBO America. I put a photo of me in my Halloween costume up on the True Blood Facebook group and not only was I featured in one of their official albums they have also sent me a copy of the Volume 2 soundtrack cd! Happiness!!!

I've spent the day listening to the BFBS radio station. This morning's show was being broadcast live from Afghanistan. It was lovely in some ways to hear what troops were getting up to as well as reminding me of good memories from being a 'Forces Brat'. I grew up listening to this radio station so it's nice I can still listen to it online.

I also found out today that one of my American friends who is in the... marines I think, is being deployed to Iraq. Hmm...

Training was cancelled this evening as the martial arts room at the university had flooded so just heading pub-wards instead!