Wednesday 24th November 2010
Today's photo shows my heat-up bunny. Smells of lavender and is perfect for putting on a sore neck (as mine is messed up) *sad face*
Spent the day writing up my assignment for research skills, entitled: "The City's Story: How can augmented reality enhance people's understanding of the past life of Southampton". It's a practice doctoral funding application... so thankfully I didn't have to actually answer the question only put it forward as a research proposal. Only 500 words - and I hit it bang on target! Woop!
Quote of the Day:
"Augmented reality is already becoming an important part of new mobile technologies, allowing people to virtually interact with the real world around them. In order for archaeology to be relevant in the modern world, these technologies need to be utilised to provide a visual representation of the past." - excerpt from my essay