Friday, 8 October 2010

Two for the Day

Friday 8th October 2010

Ohh two photos for today! Is this cheating? Perhaps but I couldn't really decide between them. They both represent two very important parts of today.

The first one was taken as I walked home from work/university. I left my house at 9:20am this morning and got in just before 8pm. Talk about owch. But it was a good day, even if very very VERY busy.

The second photo represents the fact that I have lost my voice. Almost completely. It comes and goes but is either a whisper, a croak, or not there at all! Quite entertaining - for everyone else.

And a new section:

Quote of the Day
When my lecturer asked the what the difference was between the Internet and the World Wide Web I croaked out: "The World Wide Web has www dot in front of it".

Judging by the laughter that was the wrong answer.

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